Septic System Repair in Roy
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679 N 37Th St,Roy,UT-84067,
Telephone No.(616) 426-9969
Here you can see the Best Septic System Repair plumbing in Roy, Utah • A-Plus Plumbing, Inc. • Cleaning 24/7 • Prospect Hill Plumbing & Heating and +3 more. Promising Excellence in Every Pipe!

Septic System Repair Providers in Roy

Discover the Ultimate Septic System Repair Specialists in Roy (UT) for a Fresh Start

Having problems with your septic system? Worry no more! Septic system problems can be a very serious concern, not only because they cost a lot of money but also because they are hard to detect until the problem has grown too large. You may have noticed that your septic tank gets much more slowly than it should, and you must use your drains more often than usual.

A septic system is a very complex piece of machinery, and it shouldn't be thought of as a simple drain that a plunger should fix; therefore, it should be well taken care of and only be fixed by a professional who knows what he or she is doing.

Roy boasts around 460+ plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters, catering to about 1.7 million residents and 337,361 households based on 2021 Census Bureau data.

The average pay for plumbers in the Roy metro area is $41 per hour. However, the final price depends on the project's size and complexity, covering labor and markup costs. Reach out to the leading Septic System Repair companies in Roy for a personalized quote.

Comparison of Top Companies' Septic System Repair Plumbing

We've handpicked the best in the business, experts who excel in making your plumbing experience fantastic. We'll uncover the secrets of the names that shine in the world of septic system repair. Get ready for a journey where quality meets satisfaction and discover the leaders who truly stand out.

A Comprehensive Comparison of top Companies' Septic System Repair Plumbing
Plumbing Licensed Cost (per hr.) Working hours. (Today's timing) Owner Projects User Rating Total Ratings Response Time
Brian MacDonald Heating and Plumbing $99 11:00 - 18:00 (GMT-5) Karen B +99 Projects 4.0 rated 108 Ratings Avg. 63 minutes
Cabinets 4 Less $99 11:00 - 18:00 (GMT-5) Randy Z +99 Projects 4.8 rated 30 Ratings Avg. 84 minutes
Prospect Hill Plumbing & Heating $129 09:00 - 16:00 (GMT-5) Thomas H +129 Projects 4.6 rated 224 Ratings Avg. 97 minutes
Cleaning 24/7 $99 09:00 - 16:00 (GMT-5) Nancy M +99 Projects 4.9 rated 91 Ratings Avg. 86 minutes
S&A Plumbing and Drain Services LLC $209 11:00 - 18:00 (GMT-5) Kym G +209 Projects 4.3 rated 70 Ratings Avg. 174 minutes

Last update on Jan 12, 2025

05 of the Best Septic System Repair in Roy, Utah

Let's Explore The 05 Best Septic System Repair in Roy, Utah

Discover our curated list of the top 05 Best Septic System Repair plumbers for your consideration in 2025. These professionals excel in maintaining clear and efficient plumbing systems. Join us in exploring their expertise!

#1. A-Plus Plumbing, Inc.: Expert Septic System Repairs

A-Plus Plumbing, Inc.: Expert Septic System Repairs in Roy

With more than 15 years of experience, plumbing can handle RPZ, sanitation, drains, pumps, replacement tests and replace the water heater. The employees of the company can demolish, roads and other plumbing repairs for restaurants, hospitals and retail companies. The company is a member of the PCC Heating Contracts Association (PHCC).

Top Expertise:

Expert Septic System Repairs in Roy

More Specialties:

  • Sink Repair
  • HVAC Repair
  • Window Repair
  • Under Counter Water Filter System Installation

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. Monique M.
  2. 2. Nora K.
  3. 3. Paul S.
  4. 4. Matthew S.
  5. 5. Lynn B.


» Total Ratings: 231

» Customer Rating: 4.2

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Friday (09:00 - 16:00)

#2. Cleaning 24/7: Expert Septic System Repairs

Cleaning 24/7: Expert Septic System Repairs in Roy

I was working on cleaning as a 3 -year cleaning woman, so I know how to work from the inside of the process. It was a hard factor and was very organized. I looked for the same people to work with me. It formed a good team to do this process without problems. Fortunately, you will clean your comfortable home :)

Top Expertise:

Expert Septic System Repairs in Roy

More Specialties:

  • Video Camera Inspection
  • Trenchless Sewer Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. George C.
  2. 2. Joseph C.
  3. 3. Cathleen R.
  4. 4. Stephen L.
  5. 5. Nancy A.


» Total Ratings: 91

» Customer Rating: 4.9

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Friday (09:00 - 16:00)

#3. Prospect Hill Plumbing & Heating: Reliable Septic Tank Fixing

Prospect Hill Plumbing & Heating: Reliable Septic Tank Fixing in Roy

Top Expertise:

Reliable Septic Tank Fixing in Roy

More Specialties:

  • Video Camera Inspection
  • Trenchless Sewer Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. Julie F.
  2. 2. Eric D.
  3. 3. Joseph M.
  4. 4. Carol Y K.
  5. 5. Cameron C.


» Total Ratings: 224

» Customer Rating: 4.6

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Friday (09:00 - 16:00)

#4. Cabinets 4 Less: Swift Septic System Maintenance

Cabinets 4 Less: Swift Septic System Maintenance in Roy

🔨🏠 Cabinets 4 Less is a locally owned Prefinished Cabinet Company in Silsbee TX. We provide top-notch cabinets at budget-friendly prices, ensuring prompt and accurate installations. With over 20 years of combined experience, our owner-operated team personally handles bids and installations. Let us transform your space! 🔧🪚

Top Expertise:

Swift Septic System Maintenance in Roy

More Specialties:

  • Bathroom Drain Clog
  • Septic Tank Installation
  • Lamp Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. Prisclla B.
  2. 2. Perlyn S.


» Total Ratings: 30

» Customer Rating: 4.8

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Friday (11:00 - 18:00)

#5. S&A Plumbing and Drain Services LLC: Septic System Repair Specialists

S&A Plumbing and Drain Services LLC: Septic System Repair Specialists in Roy

Feel free to reach out to us anytime via call or text at 317-935-2678. Your water-related concerns are our expertise, and we're here to provide you with unparalleled service. Trust S&A Plumbing and Drain Services LLC for all your plumbing needs, and discover the difference our exceptional service makes.

Top Expertise:

Septic System Repair Specialists in Roy

More Specialties:

  • Septic Tank Installation
  • Kitchen Faucet Installation
  • Lamp Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. Clarence M.
  2. 2. Brandi H.


» Total Ratings: 70

» Customer Rating: 4.3

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Friday (11:00 - 18:00)

Septic System Repair Reviews in Roy, UT

A-Plus Plumbing, Inc.
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc. Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in Roy

They did not know what they were doing, the tube did not happen, although they insisted that they had tools to find the initial hole we dig in the front yard so that it is easy to root first. He also said he had a camera on the snake to find out what they were doing, but they did not get it. He spent hours in the yard, and he never found the opening of the pipes after a working day. He told us that they should download more of us because they were unable to find tubes, and then, when they found it the next day, they could not their team. (That is, he did not have a camera as he said). Finally, we spend more than $ 300 for nothing, and they wanted to prosecute ourselves because we will not pay them a lot! Never rent these people, they are useless! The snake to a tube flowing from the house for the main wastewater line on the road

Monique M
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc.
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc. Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in Roy

Dog was very sensitive and smart to start! This problem has solved quickly and efficiently! It is very recommended! All our banks have been banned.

Nora K
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc.
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc. Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in Roy

Great, no problem, without unexpected or additional repair. It was said as an emergency call and displayed within a few hours, the Auror of Water closed the valve and the connector, to change an excellent service and response.

Paul S
Cleaning 24/7
Cleaning 24/7 Septic System Repair in Roy

Always on time, fast response and very intense services.. Master the art of septic system repair! best practices for home plumbing.

George C
Prospect Hill Plumbing & Heating
Prospect Hill Plumbing & Heating Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in Roy

I found Jeff, looking for a plumbing to replace the nasal bomb. I left a message and contacted me in two days. I hope to remember soon, but in the voice mail he said it is one store of drawings and that he will arrive again. Fixed about 1-2 weeks. He accuses hours and gives me a very appropriate appreciation on the phone. He left the time when he promised and replaced a full set of covers without frost in 30 minutes. He recommended obtaining a piece of 2 x 4 to secure the tube in the tracking space. I cut a piece of 2 x 4 and installed it. Everyone did this within an hour. He behaves in good health. I enjoyed talking to him. It is definitely recommended. Change the rear yard/rear yard/frost

Julie F
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc.
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc. Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in Roy

We were licensed and returned to the house on November 24, 2008. Fivestar banks opened the main line of the plug while going out to open a major line on November 6 to open a major line in our house. First, the first technology was correct to withdraw the toilet and run half a blade by reaching the toilet without success, so I moved to go to the main space in the tracking area, where it should have started first. no avail. His next step was to talk to my sister to go by ventilating the ceiling, which is difficult to reach the plumbing with which I spoke. After that, after taking another technology to get more money and go to the ceiling ventilation without success, the next solution was to bring the camera and know what was happening in the main line. The room technique has witnessed the common roots of such old homes. Due to the inability to look through the line, the next option that was presented was a rate of $ 2500, which was tearing the old line and a new plastic line with 4. "I will call another company that I already used on commercial work sites because I already used it because I was the last five, I am a commercial supervisor for years. We got home, the sewers were supported, so I called Walking to "Mike" to resume one main from under the house. In 45 minutes and two steel points, he cleaned the main sewers and gave me a guarantee for 6 months and 1 1/2 if used Treating X X on the Internet as he led a camera via the line and we only saw the ends of the root about some of the couples who connect the Earths tubes. It was amazing how Mike technique knew Qamina that I was killing something and how I did a good job in the attack. The problem is using the most complete code instead of Half a blade attacked the roots of the tree. Or your actual address adds the right It protects to your website, or in your ad is on the phone guide. They are P.O. Instead, the box, while trying to go directly to his office and the race went here and there. Now I go to the following small statements court, because it will not reach the banks and Puneino from any recovery, stand, and headache. In Thornton Colorado. Call to clean the sewage line, while we were permission in South America and we were looking at home at home in your sister.

Matthew S
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc.
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc. Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in Roy

I have the most humiliating plumber you can ask at any time. Frankly, it is simply amazing. I never did anyone. This man is the most incredible. I mean, this is a real work. I would like to give him 10 stars. It is independent. It is not a great company. This is mainly for him. This man is good. I found it because it is actually known in the adjacent cover. He drives his car in a huge truck, and he is actually his office. He said he works better to be a place. He only leads and said: "If something appears, I can deal with it a lot." Let me tell you that it will come in the middle of the night when it overwhelms the basement. He gets a moment because my dryer, and I dropped some gas or anything else, everything really came and he knew that my husband had cancer and this is as if I knew you were using it. We do. It is simply incredible. I think that with everything you are talking about, they use it, they talk about it as a saint. This is just money. It is like an angel runs over the ground. It is clean like a pin. He knows what to do. I have an old house. I never blow the jobs. All you want, do. talking with you. I did it once or twice last year. You cannot say enough good things about it. I dont remember the cost, but whatever it was exceptionally appropriate. Nothing is bad. Responsibility, hygiene, technical expertise, stock prices, work quality, general assembly, I mean it is great. I am very happy because I found it. There is no category I will offer less than "A".

Lynn B
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc.
A-Plus Plumbing, Inc. Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in Roy

I used it before, so I used it again. They are fast, professionals and honest. I used to get drain.

Elise W
Cleaning 24/7
Cleaning 24/7 Septic System Repair in Roy

It was very good to work with Mr. O -Doneel, but his aides who initially established the pelvis, they did a poor, chaotic and uncontrolled work. On our request, Mr. ODonnele has returned twice to rewrite the work and finally completed the work for our satisfaction. Two statue ponds and reinstall the installed amenities.

Joseph C
Prospect Hill Plumbing & Heating
Prospect Hill Plumbing & Heating Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in Roy

not good. Repeat my kitchen. The contractor we set to show old tanks and install their newly used (partner) to show plumbing. After installing the tanks, the cabinet referred to the new tap, which included adding new taps, dishwasher and refrigerators. When I called Scott, I clearly explained the range to see if you are interested in working. At that time, Scott looked professional, so I rented it. When Scott came to my home to work, it looked at a very bad mood and hurry. When he told me he finished work, challenged me and without inspection, I pushed him. I just wanted to leave my house. After leaving, I saw that he lost a large body that was part of the range. When I called him, to tell him what was lost, he was angry and did not completely agree. Tell me that I will not return to the article that lost. It was very firm and did not mention the desire to do things well. I was disappointed because I was ready to meet him in the middle of the road. Scotts answer did not surprise me. Since Scott came to my house. It was completely unprofessional. He was angry and could say anything to close. I really feel that Scott feels that he is known to the customer. I will not rent or refer. The kitchen is under the pelvis

Eric D

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