Septic System Repair in New York
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679 N 37Th St,New York,NY-10001,
Telephone No.(616) 426-9969
Here you can see the Best Septic System Repair plumbing in New York, New York • Cornett Plumbing & Heating • The Plumbing Experts, Inc. • Classic Guys Plumbing & Drains and +5 more. Promising Excellence in Every Pipe!

Septic System Repair Providers in New York

Discover the Ultimate Septic System Repair Specialists in New York (NY) for a Fresh Start

Having problems with your septic system? Worry no more! Septic system problems can be a very serious concern, not only because they cost a lot of money but also because they are hard to detect until the problem has grown too large. You may have noticed that your septic tank gets much more slowly than it should, and you must use your drains more often than usual.

A septic system is a very complex piece of machinery, and it shouldn't be thought of as a simple drain that a plunger should fix; therefore, it should be well taken care of and only be fixed by a professional who knows what he or she is doing.

New York boasts around 462+ plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters, catering to about 1.7 million residents and 337,361 households based on 2021 Census Bureau data.

The average pay for plumbers in the New York metro area is $41 per hour. However, the final price depends on the project's size and complexity, covering labor and markup costs. Reach out to the leading Septic System Repair companies in New York for a personalized quote.

Comparison of Top Companies' Septic System Repair Plumbing

We've handpicked the best in the business, experts who excel in making your plumbing experience fantastic. We'll uncover the secrets of the names that shine in the world of septic system repair. Get ready for a journey where quality meets satisfaction and discover the leaders who truly stand out.

A Comprehensive Comparison of top Companies' Septic System Repair Plumbing
Plumbing Licensed Cost (per hr.) Working hours. (Today's timing) Owner Projects User Rating Total Ratings Response Time
A Plus Inspections Of Texas $89 11:00 - 18:00 (GMT-5) Rosemary C +89 Projects 4.0 rated 189 Ratings Avg. 62 minutes
The Plumbing Experts, Inc. $99 09:00 - 17:00 (GMT-5) STACY G +99 Projects 4.1 rated 130 Ratings Avg. 73 minutes
Water Heaters Masters $79 11:00 - 18:00 (GMT-5) LINDA S +79 Projects 4.7 rated 42 Ratings Avg. 58 minutes
Classic Guys Plumbing & Drains $149 10:00 - 17:00 (GMT-5) Joel M +149 Projects 4.6 rated 210 Ratings Avg. 119 minutes
Cowden Industries $129 11:00 - 18:00 (GMT-5) Michael M +129 Projects 4.8 rated 51 Ratings Avg. 112 minutes

Last update on Jan 19, 2025

05 of the Best Septic System Repair in New York, New York

Let's Explore The 05 Best Septic System Repair in New York, New York

Discover our curated list of the top 05 Best Septic System Repair plumbers for your consideration in 2025. These professionals excel in maintaining clear and efficient plumbing systems. Join us in exploring their expertise!

#1. Cornett Plumbing & Heating: Expert Septic System Repairs

Cornett Plumbing & Heating: Expert Septic System Repairs in New York

A plumber also has years of experience in completing new plumbing facilities and fusion tubes and the treatment of sewage tanks. In addition, fluids and heating also provide hydraulic threads and repair code violations.

Top Expertise:

Expert Septic System Repairs in New York

More Specialties:

  • Leak Repair
  • Hydro Jetting
  • HVAC Repair
  • Window Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  2. 2. Karen S.
  3. 3. Tereca C.
  4. 4. Robert E.
  5. 5. Jessica C.


» Total Ratings: 286

» Customer Rating: 4.2

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Thursday (11:00 - 18:00)

#2. The Plumbing Experts, Inc.: Expert Septic System Repairs

The Plumbing Experts, Inc.: Expert Septic System Repairs in New York

to BañOS de a from Florida.

Top Expertise:

Expert Septic System Repairs in New York

More Specialties:

  • Video Camera Inspection
  • Trenchless Sewer Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. Donnie K.
  2. 2. KRISTIN N.
  3. 3. David R.
  4. 4. Carol L.
  5. 5. Cheryl C.


» Total Ratings: 130

» Customer Rating: 4.1

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Thursday (09:00 - 17:00)

#3. Classic Guys Plumbing & Drains: Reliable Septic Tank Fixing

Classic Guys Plumbing & Drains: Reliable Septic Tank Fixing in New York


Top Expertise:

Reliable Septic Tank Fixing in New York

More Specialties:

  • Video Camera Inspection
  • Trenchless Sewer Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. Chris C.
  2. 2. Brandee N.
  3. 3. LARRY A.
  4. 4. Tonja R.
  5. 5. Norman .


» Total Ratings: 210

» Customer Rating: 4.6

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Thursday (10:00 - 17:00)

#4. A Plus Inspections Of Texas: Swift Septic System Maintenance

A Plus Inspections Of Texas: Swift Septic System Maintenance in New York

I allow me to do something tangible that helps others. This requires a high level of activity, including walking and climbing, and also requires monitoring skills.

Top Expertise:

Swift Septic System Maintenance in New York

More Specialties:

  • Video Camera Inspection
  • Trenchless Sewer Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. George S.
  2. 2. Traviss M.
  3. 3. Charlie R.
  4. 4. Ann P.
  5. 5. Craig M.


» Total Ratings: 189

» Customer Rating: 4.0

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Thursday (11:00 - 18:00)

#5. Cowden Industries: Septic System Repair Specialists

Cowden Industries: Septic System Repair Specialists in New York

Experience our exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Contact us today for all your residential and commercial renovation needs! 📞🔨💼🏠

Top Expertise:

Septic System Repair Specialists in New York

More Specialties:

  • Leak Repair
  • Hot Tub and Spa Repair

Contact Details:

Top Clients:

  1. 1. Kevin D.
  2. 2. Michael O.
  3. 3. Sandra C.


» Total Ratings: 51

» Customer Rating: 4.8

» Licensed: Yes

» Verified: Yes

» Today's working hours: Thursday (11:00 - 18:00)

Septic System Repair Reviews in New York, NY

Cornett Plumbing & Heating
Cornett Plumbing & Heating Septic System Repair in New York

I will not use these people again and I cannot recommend them. I tried to just be in this review, but I really feel an explosion. We stop our water heater without the tank from working with a stop, and we did not have hot water in the bathroom. I called my housing guarantee (we bought the house 6 months ago) and said that someone from the Aqua system would contact us to get some time to contact us. After a few hours, the Aqua system approached the plumbing, spoke with Ryan and created time the next day. When Ryan left the next day, he looked at the water heater and then told me that he would have to provide a service in the water heater to diagnose the problem, and that the price of the service would be 290 dollars and was not covered. Our home guarantee. Under, but if the water heater has to change, it will give half the credit for the water heater. I was not satisfied with that, but I needed a water heater to work, so they approached the home guarantee company to tell them, and they agreed to serve it. (Regardless, he had previously given a regular service price for another person, received a contribution of $ 90 to serve one hour and showed us how to serve themselves.) It was the rate of service at the top, and the rate we pay to contact the service. After a short period (no more than 30 minutes, and maybe no) Ryan told us that the water heater had to change. Contact the home guarantee company for approval, but he told us that there are approximately $ 1550 in "modifications", which should be made to install a new water heater, which guessed, covered with the home of the guarantee will not. Complete. Once again, we were talking on the phone with the guarantee company to agree to it. I didn t feel that I had a choice, because I needed a hot water heater to work. The home guarantee company told me that, regardless of $ 1515, it was paying for "modifications", they were paying about $ 2550 to install a new heater and water. This means that the total cost of the new water heater and the installation increased to approximately $ 4000. When Ryan and his assistant came out to install the new water heater, 3 hours passed here. When I looked for clarifications about what I was getting for $ 1550 amendments, he said in the list of things that do not concern much. I asked him to bring a written list when he came, which he did not. I have a handwritten receipt with many illegal goods, but it is not clear what has been covered. Once, when you are in the water heater, I tried different places. I also found many things, listed as "adjustments" for the installation of water heaters, can be purchased with a water heater for approximately $ 200. I all mentioned that the water heater and cut were reduced by $ 1500; 6 Labor men may not be responsible for a total of $ 4000. After 6 weeks, the new water heater stopped working. Aqua System Plumbing sent another person, SABBA, who spent a lot of time trying to know the error. Then he returned the next day to try again, and approached the manufacturer or local supplier. Next, the local resource or manufacturer sent someone to repair it. In order to be fair, there is no connection between the plumbing system Aqua system and a water heater brake, but I was without warm water for 5 days when a new one broke out. I cannot say that the quality of the work is good or bad in installing water heaters and different parts. Things are now well now. But I believe that they accused me of more "modifications" and that the local guarantee company has been excessively loaded through heating heating and water installation. I also think that before the problem was diagnosed, it could have completed the "service" that was about to do BS. The diagnosis of the problem should have been covered with the position of service calls. I will not use these people again and I cannot recommend them. I tried to just be in this review, but I really feel an explosion. The last thing ... trying to find these people so that I can write that the review was very difficult. There is no name or commercial address on your bill. It is from the challan platform you can buy in a stationery store, with a name and phone number on top. I only got a list of modifications when they left for the second time (when the new water heater was broken) and this list was not provided in writing. The site that appears in angeslist is offered for sale. 3 separate phone numbers listed, but there is only a postal box. This is not the distinctive seal of the professional process. The hybrid water heater that was covered with home guarantee was replaced.

Cornett Plumbing & Heating
Cornett Plumbing & Heating Septic System Repair in New York

A fixed leakage tube under the pelvis.. Swift septic system maintenance, happy homes! long-lasting septic tank fixing services guaranteed.

Karen S
Cornett Plumbing & Heating
Cornett Plumbing & Heating Septic System Repair in New York

Never hear them. Plum emergency. We leave the message around 7:00 pm on Monday night and leave the message. Until 8:00 pm, on Tuesday, we did not receive any return calls. It is clear that it does not do an emergency service.

Tereca C
Classic Guys Plumbing & Drains
Classic Guys Plumbing & Drains Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in New York

He was using more than 13 years. They are amazing and fast when responding. They take care of everything and do this well. Take out the oil stove

Chris C
A Plus Inspections Of Texas
A Plus Inspections Of Texas Septic System Repair in New York

They did not respond to my first request It quoted plumbing. Invest in your plumbing! long-term benefits of regular septic system repair services.

George S
Cornett Plumbing & Heating
Cornett Plumbing & Heating Septic System Repair in New York

Years ago, the French drainage system was installed in my house, but the discharge was incorrectly created. After there was no success with the existing company, I had many estimates to replace the download to get out of the house to follow the local code. Most of the estimates were expensive and complex. After a recommendation from my daughter, I approached Drews and gave me a fair price and a simple solution to the situation. He arrived at the time of estimates and the spilled plumbing came in the time required to work. Work was done perfectly and efficiently, and everything has been cleaned. During high rains, recommendations were made on how to enhance water flow in the yard. The payment bill was made and credit cards were accepted. 1 1/2 "The lines of bombs that are running on the right side of the house were implemented. The nucleus was dug and the pipes were sent to the leaders drainage. The lines were overlooked at previous discharge sites. PVC tubes were purchased first to work. They were used and entered through a window The lower floor, which reduces dirt in the rest of the house.

Robert E
Cornett Plumbing & Heating
Cornett Plumbing & Heating Septic System Repair in New York

This did not completely solve the problem, but he helped. They arrived very quickly and arrived on time. I can deepen the system and get all obstacles. Not all could get them, but I can get more. I used Broken Broter

Jessica C
Cornett Plumbing & Heating
Cornett Plumbing & Heating Septic System Repair in New York

Excellent time and response time. The water has been repaired from the main line under the house. 2 Change bathroom baths. The main water pressure is reduced.

John T
Classic Guys Plumbing & Drains
Classic Guys Plumbing & Drains Top-rated Septic System Repair Plumber in New York

All the work conducted were very satisfactory. They respond in time and do a great job. 08/29/11 The pressure re -pressure resurrected mainly from the house and check the water pressure for 50 pounds. 159.00 $ 6-9-11 Replace the cartridge to the bathroom taps in Maine touch and check the process. 152.13 $ 04/30/10 The main sewers in the front yard (the originator was installed wrong). 297.33 dollars 04/26/10 review the main sewers inside the house. I tried to perform the snake on the line, and it was installed back, stopping the appropriate cleaning. The external line must be fixed to solve the problem. $ 180.00 $ 3/25/08 kitchen ponds, bathroom shower and 2 MP, and installed widely in plumbing in the basement to include sewage lines. To include drainage pumps, pipes, PVC and CPVC. Total work 2800.00 dollars with $ 1400. 11/11/08 thick in the basement. All this by arranging a noticeable pump and leaks, all in order. 1400.00 dollars

Brandee N
A Plus Inspections Of Texas
A Plus Inspections Of Texas Septic System Repair in New York

Mr. Warry did everything possible to tear the brick courtyard to install the new sewage line, which was fast, humble and professional. Work was about to take time, but the first time that the sewage line was the owner of the house for 40 years and the tube was old. Turn the sewage line to separate and tube from your home to the citys sewage line on the road.

Traviss M

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